January 15, 2024 — Ben Lewis

Explore the power of soul-tie connections and how positive soul ties can enrich your life and drive you to become a better version of yourself. Most of us maintain superficial connections or toxic relationships, which often make us feel trapped. Find out how to break a negative soul tie and make the right choices for your life. 

What Are Soul Ties?

Soul ties are deep, intense bonds you develop with someone else. These connections can develop with family members, romantic companions, friends, co-workers, or even a beloved pet. The soul-tie relationship surpasses the intimacy of conventional relationships and can continue even when the person is not physically present with you.

Soul ties embody the energy bonds we share. Some cultures will call soul ties “karma,” “soul connections,” or “kindred spirits.” Not all soul ties are positive—some can stifle one or both parties, breaking them down emotionally.

Difference Between Soul Tie and Twin Flame Connection

Although soul ties and twin flames may have similar definitions, they are not the same type of bonds.

A soul tie is a deep connection between two people due to their common ground, creating spiritual and emotional bonds between two different souls. 

A twin flame is someone who shares a soul with you. You will feel an intense kinship when you first meet your twin flame. You may even realize that your soul split before a double incarnation.

Types of Soul Ties

Man and woman with a romantic soul tie

Each soul tie represents a unique connection because the interactions touch each person’s soul differently. No two bonds are the same. Many people classify soul ties according to their characteristics or the different types of relationships they develop: romantic or platonic. Let’s look at the various ways minds can connect.


Mental soul ties occur between individuals who share common interests and are intellectually compatible. The two parties have engaging conversations that stimulate their minds and promote creativity. 


Emotional soul ties occur between people who are sensitive and intuitive. These people will recognize each other because they see themselves in the other person. People whose souls connect emotionally are often earnest listeners who experience the world through feelings.   


Spiritual soul ties form strong bonds that grow as the relationships continue. This type of spiritual connection occurs when two people share each other’s spiritual and religious views. If sewn the right way, spiritual soul ties can establish powerful relationships.   


Physical soul ties come about through physical proximity and closeness. Physical connections involve romantic and sexual intimacy. Sometimes, these connections can fizzle out if the physical attraction wanes or a vast geographical distance comes between two people. 

Soul-Tie Connection in a Marriage

Marriages are intimate, sacred unions; soul-tie connections play a significant role in those relationships. If a couple has married because their soul tie is solid, they will work together as a team. 

A healthy soul-tie marriage provides the best to each partner. Their union grows on trust, compassion, and respect. An unhealthy soul-tie marriage brews resentment, contempt, and suspicions about the other spouse. Their unhealthy soul tie can leave its mark on their children, too.

Healthy Soul-Tie Connections

Healthy soul-tie connections sustain you and help you grow as a person. The soul connection could result in a platonic or romantic relationship. The bond you share with the other person does not impact your life negatively. 

Healthy soul ties leave a warm feeling in your chest, and whenever you think of your soul-tie partner, you feel reassurance instead of doubt. The spiritual connection you feel from a healthy soul tie gives you energy and inspires you to become your best self.   

Unhealthy Soul-Tie Connections

Unhealthy or negative soul ties create toxic relationships. Abuse, codependency, intense jealousy, and emotional manipulation characterize toxic relationships. Your helplessness when dealing with an unhealthy soul tie may leave you unable to define yourself without the other individual.  

Many people comment that they feel lost or empty when separated from their significant others. This behavior can turn obsessive and dangerous. If a soul tie stifles your growth and breaks down your self-esteem, it means you are with the wrong person.

Signs of Soul Ties

Man and woman start to form a soul tie

Soul-tie connections reflect dynamic chemistry between two people. The bonding may occur instantly or require time to form. Once the realization dawns on both parties, they often experience an urgency to know more and spend as much time with the other person. Find some of the telltale signs you have created a soul-tie connection below.  

1. Immediate Connection

When you meet someone with whom you instantly connect, it starts the soul tie process. You may bond over shared interests, similar beliefs, and comparable experiences. It is easy to connect with people who share views akin to yours. If you can maintain the same enthusiasm as the other person involved, it can result in a powerful soul bonding.  

2. Comfort and Security

Healthy soul ties encourage security and safety within that bond. You will feel comfortable around this person. You may even confide in them because you believe they have your best interests in mind. Feelings of vulnerability or anxiety are accepted in a positive soul tie, allowing the other person to be themselves.  

3. Non-Judgemental Interaction

Nurturing soul ties gives enough room for the other person to be authentic. The connection allows each side to express their minds freely. Non-judgemental interaction is crucial for transparent conversations, acceptance, and growth. Tolerance and understanding indicate a healthy relationship.  

4. Protectiveness and Deep Empathy

Souls that share a deep connection often express protectiveness over each other. This protective instinct may activate due to your belief that other people do not understand your soul partner as well as you do. Deep empathy for the other half of your soul tie means you provide support and love to them when they need it. Sometimes, you may even feel that you mirror their emotions and vulnerabilities. 

5. Loss of Self

Many people often invest too much in the soul-tie connection and forget about themselves as the relationship grows. You may experience behavioral changes, and your old friends may not recognize you anymore. Often, one partner feels incomplete without the other, and a sense of emptiness sets in whenever they are apart.

6. A Degree of Obsession

Strong emotions and affection for your partner can lead to obsession. You may always want to be near them or incessantly ask them what they are doing or where they are. All your thoughts revolve around them and their well-being. The obsession might also give way to intense jealousy because you know everything about them and want them to feel the same way about you.

How to Break an Unhealthy Soul Tie in 7 Steps

Overwhleming tight soul ties

Although abruptly breaking soul ties may seem like the most straightforward path when faced with a bad relationship, it’s usually not the best solution. The process requires that you also take a good look at yourself. If you do not take time to reflect, you will end up making the same mistakes again. Follow the steps below and practice mindfulness to empower yourself to make the right choices next time. 

Step 1: Recognize the Negative Impact of the Tie

Allow yourself some time to ponder over the relationship that is causing you pain. Breaking soul ties requires a lot of thought. You must give yourself space to identify parts of the relationship that disturb your peace of mind. Pen down your thoughts and try to understand the toxic patterns so you can cut soul ties without excessive emotional trauma. 

Step 2: Forgive Yourself

After you recognize a toxic soul tie, be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for the things you did or things you have not done. Find peace for yourself first. 

It is crucial to seek grace because it relieves the feeling of guilt or regret in your chest. You will move on from this relationship without the emotional baggage that would weigh you down in the future. If you wish, you can also forgive the other half of the soul tie for their wrongdoings.

Step 3: Create Healthy Boundaries

You must realize your worth to deter unhealthy soul ties in the future. Every person has value. Sometimes, we do not see our worth because of our upbringings or what we tell ourselves. Establishing healthy boundaries protects your mental health, especially if you are in a particularly intense relationship.   

Step 4: Limit Interaction and Change Routines

A negative soul tie will sap your energy and emotions. Completely breaking contact is like pulling off a Band-Aid. This drastic step may seem extreme, but it is also essential for the individual to move on. One can also practice limited interaction if a clean break is not possible. 

Ceasing all interaction allows you to grow without input from your soul-tie partner. When you are vulnerable, it is a necessary step. You can also change your routines to invite change and new beginnings. Traveling to a different place or spending time with an old friend will help you heal.   

Step 5: Take Time to Grieve

Ending toxic relationships will initiate strong feelings. You will feel the pain of losing a connection that once meant a lot to you. You may even feel like you did not get a chance for closure. These compelling emotions are genuine, and you should not try to suppress them. Validate these feelings and take time to mourn the breakdown of your close connection with the other person.  

Step 6: Practice Self-Love and Care

After the emotional rollercoaster ride, take time to be by yourself as you attempt to restore balance in your life again. Practice self-care so you can meet your own emotional needs and grow. Try to forget about the pain of past wounds and the stress of present difficulties to avoid a slowdown in your progress.    

Self-love eliminates deep insecurities and mental debts. Reconnect your mind and body through exercises like yoga, meditation, or writing. Living consciously by listening to your heart, mind, and soul will help you heal.   

Step 7: Trust in a Higher Power

When a soul-tie relationship ends, many aspects of the breakup can overwhelm you. One of the most significant emotions is loneliness. Seek spiritual guidance as you come out of this intense connection. Belief in a Higher Power will reassure you that you are not alone. Break free from negative emotions by trusting in something bigger than yourself. 

Why Do You Need to Break Soul Ties?

A negative soul tie's dangerous, destructive nature produces a ripple effect in the environment around both parties. Physical or verbal abuse is also common in unhealthy soul ties. The trauma can deeply hurt the individual, so they need to reclaim their souls to prevent further damage.

The dangerous, destructive nature of a negative soul tie produces a ripple effect in the environment around both parties. Sometimes, these repercussions affect children whose parents do not recognize their toxicity. Untreated trauma and abuse can also impact future relationships.      

When to Seek Professional Help

Seek therapy if you are working on repairing your soul-tie relationship. Treatment can create a safe space for both parties to talk, establish boundaries, and work things out. The neutral ground that counselors provide brings a new perspective.  

If you are having difficulty trying to break a soul tie, you should also consider seeking professional help. Look for a therapist who works with interpersonal issues. The therapist can offer guidance in identifying your shortcomings and how to lean on your strengths.  

Can You Heal an Unhealthy Soul Tie?

Restoring an unhealthy soul-tie requires active participation from both sides. The two parties need to experience a big reality check that involves recognizing their destructive behavior, creating healthy boundaries, and demonstrating a willingness to reform themselves. 

These transformations take time and combined effort. The outcome may even break up the soul-tie relationship. However, the honesty and growth you both display during this process will ultimately guide you onto the right path. 

Encourage Healthy Relationships in Your Life | GFL

At GFL, we encourage healthy relationships and clear boundaries. If you have been part of a soul tie, was it romantic or platonic? Did you have to break it? Share your insight with our readers in the comments to help them on their spiritual journeys.

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