My Journey with ET Contact & Mount Shasta: A Testimonial

March 27th, 2024

By Gayle Fuller | Truth

Tags: Angel Numbers



My spiritual awakening happened in 2017 and when I meditated my hands would feel like pins and needles. I was guided to open my healing chakras and became an energy healer. After a while, I would notice these blue beings coming into my sessions. They would teach me things and show me what to do. My clients would begin having spontaneous awakenings and miraculous healings. I had no idea what was going on and was very confused about my new gifts that had been activated.

I learned that I was working with the Pleiadians and other beings from the Star Nations. I knew I had a big purpose to help raise consciousness and it was clear that I was an Activator here to activate the memories and codes within other star seeds to help them awaken to their power within. I connected with my own origin in the Pleiades and became very curious about making contact with star family.

I watched “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” by Dr. Steven Greer and felt a rush of memories come in. This activated something within me that set me on my mission with galactic contact. I did the CE5 meditation several times but couldn’t connect in with it as much as I wanted to. I was guided on a journey to learn about how to make this connection in my own way. I had to first get to the understanding that these beings are not different or higher than us. They are us. Once I got that to “click” in my mind, some amazing things opened up.

My Initial Experience with Galactic Contact

I went to the park in Los Angeles to do my own contact meditation, then I let go of the thoughts and started to do Tai Chi. I felt a rush of static electricity entering my head and it was the strangest feeling I’ve ever had. It felt like a high of some sort. I filmed the Tai Chi in a time lapse and then watched it back. When I watched back, I noticed something flying around in the sky behind me. I zoomed in and there were 2 starships, clear as day. It was the most incredible feeling!

My heart was set on making contact from that point on. I had a stream of downloads come through showed me one version of earth and another next to it. I didn’t understand the meaning but it all eventually made sense. I knew that the earth was ascending and humanity was going through a mass awakening. I was also shown the ships that will be the first to arrive that humanity will be able to see when first contact occurs.

I was shown that I was to be a galactic ambassador, a teacher that was to share knowledge of the truth when people were ready. I wasn’t sure how all of this would unfold but I knew that I had found my purpose.

I was guided to go to Mount Shasta, the root chakra of the earth. This is a special vortex place with portals and otherworldly things happening all the time. The evening I arrived, I looked up at the sky and saw millions of stars and I felt like I was home. The longer I looked the more I could see what looked like stars zig zagging around the sky. I realized that these were not stars, they were star ships. It was the happiest feeling ever for me to watch these starships flying around and felt like they were connecting with me. I felt so much love!


Stability and Foundation
At its very core, the angel number 444 represents stability and foundation. It reminds that, like the mightiest oaks, which stand strong by reason of deep roots, a solid base must be laid for enduring success. Many spiritual luminaries and numerologists, for instance Doreen Virtue, acknowledge and celebrate this, as 444 serves as an affirmation from the cosmos that our efforts to lay a solid foundation are acknowledged and supported.

Hard Work and Manifestation

444 is the embodiment of the dance between persistence and the actualization of the visions. It represents the principle that dreams are not accomplished by mere thought but by applying effort day after day, similar to what Rhonda Byrne teaches in "The Secret". Seeing the 444 sequence is an angelic checkpoint for the individual to ask themselves: "Are the decisions that I am currently making aligning with the future that I am envisioning for myself? Am I making a conscious effort to manifest this reality? And if you see 444 and know that you are operating in alignment with your goals, it may be that your angels are letting you know your hard work is not going unnoticed, and that you are on the right path for materializing your desired reality.

There was an energy in this place that I connected with deeply and felt so at peace. I was connecting with my Lemurian roots. I couldn’t wait until the next time I could go. It was all I could think about. I knew there was more for me to experience. So I went back a second time and in the evening was guided to a very special place where the veils are very thin and portals are open. I was with a group and a guide of the mountain that had been there for years. I was guided to sit and do something that the beings I work with had been showing me. They were teaching me a method of how to connect.

I came back to the group after this and we noticed a big light ship in the sky flying over us. It began to expand in size and was incredible to watch as it was so close to us. Then it began to descend and come down towards us. The guide that was with us said he had never seen anything like this before in all the years he’d been there. The ship continued to expand and as soon as someone in the group became fearful, it disappeared.

After that we looked up and it looked like about 40-50 ships flying around in all directions in the sky. The guide friend said there must be a specific energy happening because this was not normal. I knew from that moment on that I wanted to teach humanity how to connect in this way.

Telos: The Lemurian City

Another experience I had was a connection to Telos, the Lemurian city underneath the mountain in Mount Shasta. The high priest of Telos, Adama had come to me in physical form with a code and ever since that day it has all been unfolding. It’s pretty crazy because I also have a photo of this happening. I do not know anyone else that has a photo of these beings appearing in physical, as I had always heard it happening when no one else is there. This made it very real to me and no matter what anyone else thought, I knew I was not crazy.

I began holding retreats in Mount Shasta where in the evenings we would do galactic contact evenings. During one of the retreats we were on the top of the mountain doing a sound meditation and beginning to prepare to make contact that evening. I looked over and a very unique looking man appeared beside a rock next to us out of no where and was meditating with us, moving energy. He had what looked like a golden aura around him and I knew he was “different”. After the meditation finished and everyone got up to walk around, he approached me. He looked like he was wearing a fresh outfit from another time and had the most beautiful skin and eyes.

He looked me straight in the eyes and was speaking to me about the importance of sound and frequencies and thanked me for what I was doing. He gave me what felt like years of knowledge in just a few minutes. The people that were witnessing this conversation couldn’t figure out what was so different about this man. When he walked away, our friend asked, “is that Saint Germaine?!” And I looked back at him as he smiled and walked away. It WAS Saint Germaine, the ascended master of the Violet Flame.

My brain took a while to compute what had just happened, in front of our whole group. We had a videographer filming our meditation and as we watched it back he was there in our video. Sure enough, it was 100 percent him. Many elders that I have spoken to that have also had communication with St. Germaine confirmed it was him. I learned from working with certain elders that I am part of his lineage and the work to be done on earth.

A woman wearing a black MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts from GFLApparel.
A woman wearing a black MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts from GFLApparel.
A man wearing a black sweatshirt with a red star on it, called the MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel.
A man wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and joggers.
The back view of a woman wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts.
A woman wearing a black MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts from GFLApparel.
A woman wearing a black MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts from GFLApparel.
A man wearing a black sweatshirt with a red star on it, called the MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel.
A man wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and joggers.
The back view of a woman wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA CREWNECK IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and shorts.


A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t-shirt and grey sweatpants from GFLApparel.
The back view of a woman wearing MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW jeans and a t - shirt. (Brand: GFLApparel)
A woman wearing jeans and a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t-shirt by GFLApparel with a star on it.
A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t - shirt by GFLApparel.
A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t-shirt and grey sweatpants from GFLApparel.
The back view of a woman wearing MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW jeans and a t - shirt. (Brand: GFLApparel)
A woman wearing jeans and a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t-shirt by GFLApparel with a star on it.
A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN SPACE GLOW t - shirt by GFLApparel.


A woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says
The back view of a woman wearing LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN jeans and a long - sleeved shirt from GFLApparel.
A man wearing a GFLApparel LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN sweatshirt and jeans.
The back of a man wearing LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN jeans and a long sleeved t - shirt by GFLApparel.
A woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says
The back view of a woman wearing LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN jeans and a long - sleeved shirt from GFLApparel.
A man wearing a GFLApparel LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN sweatshirt and jeans.
The back of a man wearing LIGHT WORKER L/S IN CALADAN jeans and a long sleeved t - shirt by GFLApparel.


A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN EARTH by GFLApparel t-shirt with a star of david on it.
A man wearing a GFLApparel Merkaba Tee in Earth with a geometric design on it.
The back view of a woman wearing GFLApparel's MERKABA TEE IN EARTH jeans.
A woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the MERKABA TEE IN EARTH from GFLApparel.
A man wearing a MERKABA TEE IN EARTH by GFLApparel t-shirt with a star of david on it.
A man wearing a GFLApparel Merkaba Tee in Earth with a geometric design on it.
The back view of a woman wearing GFLApparel's MERKABA TEE IN EARTH jeans.
A woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the MERKABA TEE IN EARTH from GFLApparel.


A man wearing the MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and sweatpants.
A man wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and red sweatpants.
A woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and jogging pants.
A woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and joggers.
The back view of a woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and joggers.
A woman in a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and sweatpants is standing in front of a red light.
A woman kneeling on a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel.
A man wearing the MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and sweatpants.
A man wearing a GFLApparel MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and red sweatpants.
A woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and jogging pants.
A woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and joggers.
The back view of a woman wearing a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel and joggers.
A woman in a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW sweatshirt and sweatpants is standing in front of a red light.
A woman kneeling on a MERKABA HOODIE IN SPACE GLOW by GFLApparel.


A woman wearing a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts.
The back view of a woman wearing a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts.
A woman in a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts posing in front of neon lights.
A woman in a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel hoodie and shorts posing in front of a purple light.
A woman wearing a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts.
The back view of a woman wearing a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts.
A woman in a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel and shorts posing in front of neon lights.
A woman in a MERKABA CROPPED HOODIE IN NEBULA by GFLApparel hoodie and shorts posing in front of a purple light.



Key Takeways from My Experience

Contact was going to the next level for me and I was now having physical contact with beings that are here to teach. I realized that many of us think that contact is going to come from the skies but we already have many beings walking amongst us that are here when we are ready to learn. Many of us are hybrids with ET DNA that is becoming activated to help the earth ascend into the higher bandwidths of the New Earth.

I continued to take groups out to make contact and we had powerful experiences that were life changing. People that were on the fence about seeing UFO’s had no choice but to believe when they witnessed the ships flying over us, orbs pouring into the group and other incredibly events taking place. When contact is made in this way, people get downloads, healings, memories activated, inspirations flow in, people connect with their star origins. It’s incredible!!

I developed a contact method that I will be releasing to the world soon for everyone to do this! I am so excited for everyone who feels the call to connect to make this connection themselves. I now hold contact evenings in Mount Shasta, group and private retreats that include making contact so everyone can experience this with me in person!

First contact is coming soon and we will learn how to become a galactic society. Those of us that are here to teach and guide will be holding space for our brothers and sisters to awaken as we shift the earth into a higher dimension and a new reality will unfold. Peace and Unity will exist for all of us and we will learn to all live through our heart.

Many of these beings will appear to more of you to begin teaching all who are ready. When the collective consciousness raises to a certain quotient and we are more ready to have this experience without fear or doubt, we can begin to co exist with these beings and learn how to come fifth dimensional and above.

The message these beings have given me is to not look up to the skies for the answers or for the New Earth to be created.

It is happening through us.


We are these beings.

A close-up of a person in a GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie, symbolizing a spiritual journey with the number
Angel Number 444 Hoodie
A woman stands against a white background wearing an Angel Number 444 Hoodie from GFLApparel and blue jeans, embodying the essence of casual fashion.
Woman in a red GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie, symbolizing her spiritual journey, facing the camera over her shoulder.
Woman standing with her back turned, wearing a GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie and blue jeans.
A close-up of a person in a GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie, symbolizing a spiritual journey with the number
Angel Number 444 Hoodie
A woman stands against a white background wearing an Angel Number 444 Hoodie from GFLApparel and blue jeans, embodying the essence of casual fashion.
Woman in a red GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie, symbolizing her spiritual journey, facing the camera over her shoulder.
Woman standing with her back turned, wearing a GFLApparel Angel Number 444 Hoodie and blue jeans.

Angel Number 444 Hoodie


Elevate your style and spiritual journey with our Angel Number 444 Hoodie – where fashion meets divine guidance. This angel number beckons protection, support, trust in the cosmic process, alignment with the universe, and the manifestation of your dreams.

Wear Intentionally. 

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This is your Angel Number 1111 Hoodie from GFLApparel hoodie mockup.

Angel Number 1111 Hoodie

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The back view of a woman wearing Angel Number 1111 Tee in Sage by GFLApparel jeans and a t - shirt.
A man wearing a GFLApparel Angel Number 1111 Tee in Sage and jeans.
A man wearing Angel Number 1111 Tee in Sage by GFLApparel jeans and a green t - shirt.
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The back view of a woman wearing Angel Number 1111 Tee in Sage by GFLApparel jeans and a t - shirt.

Angel Number 1111 Tee in Sage

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A woman wearing a GFLApparel Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula.
The back view of a woman wearing Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula by GFLApparel jeans and a crop top.
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A woman wearing the Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula by GFLApparel and jeans.
A woman wearing an Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula by GFLApparel and blue jeans.
A woman wearing a GFLApparel Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula.
The back view of a woman wearing Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula by GFLApparel jeans and a crop top.
A woman wearing a white Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula by GFLApparel and joggers in lilac.

Angel Number 222 Cropped Tank in Nebula


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