May 18, 2023 — Ben Lewis

Encounter the lost race from Lemuria! Several millennia ago, an ancient civilization sank into the Indian Ocean, taking untold wealth and wisdom with it. They referred to themselves as Lemurians. But who are the Lemurians, and what is a Lemurian Starseed? Let's examine their history, philosophy, appearance, and more!

Who Are the Lemurians? Ancestry and Soul Descent

The Lemurians are an ancient, advanced race who once lived on Earth. However, a natural disaster or clash with reptilians destroyed Lemuria.

To survive, the Lemurians left their physical bodies and embarked on an incredible journey.

They also reached out telepathically to Starseeds in other galaxies to create a record of their culture, scientific knowledge, and way of life.

Some Lemurians fled bodily to other planets to preserve their ancient civilization. A handful of Lemurians also became sea creatures, like mermaids, dolphins, and whales.

What Do Lemurians Look Like?

Lemurians do not necessarily conform to a single archetype. Nevertheless, Lemurians tend to exhibit a few shared traits. Find some of the most common physical signs of a Lemurian below.


Lemurians strive for equality in every aspect of their existence. To balance feminine and masculine energies, they present androgynous physical features.

Like the rest of us, Lemurians go through an awkward adolescent period as they work through the challenging aspects of human existence.


Lemurians possess a graceful air, demonstrate perfect manners, and project a calm state of being.

They are quite tall and are considered fine specimens of the human race. Their long limbs flow in gentle movements that give them an underwater, ethereal appearance.


One of the Lemurians' characteristics includes a youthful physical body. It takes a long time before signs of aging begin to emerge in Lemurians. Their hair rarely goes grey.

Some Lemurians have lived more than 200 years, although hard proof of that claim remains unavailable.

Other Signs

Other physical signs can give away a Lemurian. For example, they often have birthmarks that resemble sea creatures, like dolphins, whales, or mermaids. Some birthmarks on their necks might even look like fish gills.

Because they are at home in the water, Lemurians tend to have little to no body hair.

What Is a Lemurian Starseed?

Lemurian Starseeds are one of the most ancient types of Starseed. The legend claims they have human origins because they lived on Earth between 50,000 BC and 8500 BC.

After Lemuria collapsed, Lemurians fled to far-flung galaxies, returning to Earth only as Lemurian Starseeds in modern times.

Lemurian Starseeds are gentle, compassionate spirit beings who come from other solar systems and reincarnate as humans.

They display psychic abilities and perceive higher dimensions, which enables them to hone their sixth sense.

The Lemurian Starseed Calling

A female Lemurian spreads her arms wide under water

The Lemurian Starseed Calling is a two-pronged mission. On the one hand, their Starseed mission involves assisting humanity to work through deep trauma and emotional pain. This restorative action will heal humans, as well as Mother Earth, and launch a global ascension in the Age of Aquarius.

The other Lemurian project concerns the amplification of the kinship between man, Spirit, and nature. The Lemurians love Earth and humans because they once dwelled on this planet. So, now they want to share their wisdom and peace with humans.

6 Signs You Are a Lemurian Starseed

Most Lemurian Starseeds tend to live normal lives, blending in with the rest of society. Still, there are signs you can look for to determine if you are a Lemurian Starseed.

Let's examine some of the most common Lemurian Starseed characteristics.

1. You Have Psychic Powers

You have strong psychic powers that facilitate communication with people who also possess telepathic gifts. Lemurians can also access the Akashic Records, take part in astral travel, and influence other people's thoughts and emotions.

2. You Feel Deeply Connected to Mount Shasta

A Lemurian Starseed will feel drawn to Mount Shasta in California. Native Americans consider the volcanic mountain sacred. Lemurians believe that traces of Lemuria still exist within this mountain.

3. You Love Nature and Want to Protect It

The spiritual DNA of the Lemurian race means you often express a love of nature. The pain of modern human existence will draw a Lemurian Starseed even closer to nature. You harbor a strong desire to protect and preserve nature because you know it offers healing to humanity.

4. You Are Precocious

Due to the long history of their ancient civilization, Lemurian Starseeds are old souls. They speak with purpose and often demonstrate wisdom beyond their age. They are intuitive about their surroundings and can discern a person's energy even without speaking to them. Some Lemurians are also Indigos.

5. You Are Interested in Heavenly Bodies and Extraterrestrial Beings

Are you fascinated by the planets, stars, and galaxies you see in the sky? Lemurian Starseeds share a deep longing for a home that no longer exists. You believe theories about life beyond our planet and are always willing to learn more about the mysteries of the universe.

6. You Are Inexplicably Drawn to the Ocean

If you feel a connection to the ocean, this could mean that you lived close to the open waters in a previous life. Lemurian Starseeds are natural swimmers and they love to spend time around bodies of water. The taste of the salty sea breeze or the ebb and flow of the waves triggers you at times.

Where Is Lemuria?

Many legends and theories exist regarding the paradise planet Lemuria. The debate continues about the exact location of a lost continent.

Some claim Lemuria was situated in the Pacific Ocean, while others claim the location is west of Gibraltar in the Atlantic Ocean or in the Indian Ocean near the Middle East.

Lemuria was a utopia where living creatures existed with love and compassion for one another.

The white-sand shores stretched for miles, and the lush, green mountains stood guard over this beautiful paradise.

Some people claim that our human ancestors originated from Lemuria.

Today, island life in places like Hawaii, Fiji, and New Zealand still bears some resemblance to the utopian Lemuria spoken of in myths and legends.

What Is a Lemurian Crystal?

Lemurian crystals refract rainbow light onto a table

Lemurian seed crystals are a type of quartz crystal formed from silicon dioxide mineral deposits.

Lemurian quartz possesses calming, magnetic properties that can connect a Lemurian Starseed to the distant planet Lemuria.

Found in the Diamantina area of Brazil and parts of Colombia, Lemurian crystals feature sharp edges, horizontal lines along the body, and high transparency.

The crystals emit positive, healing vibrations. They also clear your consciousness, which provides access to your ancestry and soul descent.

How to Use a Lemurian Crystal

To connect with Lemuria, Lemurian Starseeds tend to make time and space for deep meditation.

Find a quiet, peaceful room and place the Lemurian crystal in front of you.

Before you leave your physical surroundings, make sure you dispel any negative vibes from the room or yourself.

Lemurian seed crystals vibrate with healing properties that encourage tenderness and spark a light in the minds of their users.

They can also give you telepathic powers by stimulating your mind and nervous system.


When did Lemuria sink?

Lemuria is also known as Mu by many people in theosophical circles. The mystic James Churchward promoted the idea that Lemuria was a paradise and more than 60 million people lived on the continent. Churchward believes Lemuria stretched for 5,000 miles and sank below the ocean's surface around 10,000 BC.

What is the Lemurian Philosophy?

The Lemurian philosophy combines reverence for nature, empathy for all, and recognition of the Divine. The gentle Lemurians formed their philosophy over millennia, existing in peaceful harmony with one another. Today, the Lemurian philosophy draws upon Eastern and Western truths as well.

Are Kumari Kandam and Lemuria the same?

There are no clear indications of Lemuria's location, although many interested parties have looked for them. Historians have likened the lost Tamil civilization of Kumari Kandan to Lemuria. Described as the original homeland of the Tamils before sinking into the ocean, Kumari Kandan still holds a prominent place in the myths of Tamil history.

Are You a Lemurian Starseed? | Galactic Federation of Light

At Galactic Federation of Light, we welcome all well-meaning Starseeds. Do you think you might be a Lemurian Starseed? If so, explain why you feel that way in the comments, and we will add your Starseed sign to our list during our next update.


Sonja Huffman said:

I am a Lemarian starseed. I was born with a large birthmark on the right side of my face. I am an empath and have always been intuitive. On 11-11-2016, I had a major spiritual awakening that opened up my psychic abilities. I have always been drawn to animals and I spend a great deal of time in nature. We are in an energetic shift. We are here during this time to help with the ascension.

Sonja Huffman said:

I am a Lemarian starseed. I was born with a large birthmark on the right side of my face. I am an empath and have always been intuitive. On 11-11-2016, I had a major spiritual awakening that opened up my psychic abilities. I have always been drawn to animals and I spend a great deal of time in nature. We are in an energetic shift. We are here during this time to help with the ascension.

Jess said:

Realizing myself, as a Lemurian starseed has me grounded in the Utopia we are recreating in the age of Atlantis. We’re perfectly right on time for this ascension and are inner-connected with our multidimensional abilities.
What a gift this is!

Danielle said:

I have always fought to save nature. As a kid, I remember being drawn to mermaids and whales (still am today). I am able to telepathically communicate with spirits and animals and recently, I have stepped into the ability when I lock eyes with someone to influence their behaviours with sending commands energetically. I have always struggled with being a human being and never felt like I belong here on Earth. Reptilians have been watching me for years and I have energetic boundaries around myself, loved ones and my home at all times – I can sense the hatred being sent and their presence. When I encounter reptoids in public, they stop and react negatively to me. I speak in wisdom that no human understands and I have never been a part of the herd for that reason – they cannot understand my multidimensional existence and I keep calling out to extraterrestrials to come take me home at night just to recharge from the density that this planet has and how under developed humanity is. Empathy and compassion come naturally to me. I want to live in the mountains with a pack of dogs solo instead of human interaction. Even when I have been abused in this lifetime, I still can forgive and I have an innate ability to read energy and decipher information about them from it. For example, I picked up on a woman who had cancer and she didn’t know. I can sense lying well and there are way more examples but you get the point. How people are destroying the planet and our animal species declining makes me feel sick and mad. If humanity keeps up the hatred and destruction we are currently doing, I truly believe that technology will be the demise of the human race of Earth. It is time to remember our connection to the Divine and awaken to our souls, not our society.

Timothy Sapuri said:

My mom told me that, when I was born my skin changes colour like an octopus for at least some hours and later left me with a black birth mark on my knee , further more I have a cousin who is half snake and human..

Timothy Sapuri said:

My mom told me that, when I was born my skin changes colour like an octopus for at least some hours and later left me with a black birth mark on my knee , further more I have a cousin who is half snake and human..

Jorgonne Ellis said:

I am the light that you shine through the night and the darkness of your heart that I have been waiting for your life and you will never forget it because you have never seen me before. You will never know what I have always known and never have ever been able to know me I am always here to help you and always have been there to support your love for your life and your family. You will never forget me because you will never forget my heart and my love

Krishna said:

Dude..things started to shift so fast suddenly…I am a lemurian too..and we don’t need any proof to connect to who we are..

Cierra said:

In the light, we found our true right. There is no right or wrong only that we all belong. We all belong connected to our tree. My family, have I found thee? Step into the light, step out of the night. Shine baby shine. You are the star you wished upon. You are the nightlight that kept you calm. You are the sun, the moon, the ocean. You are one. “I am I am I am the one. I am I am I am the sun, I am I am I am the one. I am I am I am the moon. I am shining I am brand new”- @lifeofphia. “In this life, living day by day, I am more myself and I love the way I sing my song and I walk with grace I am mesmerized by the way I play. I am I am I am the one. I am I am I am the sun, I am I am I am the one. I am I am I am the moon. I am shining I am brand new. ”… I count the stars and I celebrate. I am Lemurian high priestess, so I say. dhdjdbd. Dhdbdbdn shaman/ awaken. Remember your mission. Whenever you doubt go to the ocean.

Kelsea said:

I’m so glad I’ve found this page. I recently did a meditation earlier today that baffled me. It went a completely different way than I anticipated (even better). I was trying to connect with nature through by imagining myself under a tree with a stream. I remember looking up and seeing a bright white star. This Star sucked me in to “space”. When i finally focused I saw a bright white light and I followed it. There were many other lights at the destination, wherever that was. I remember hearing “youre a starseed” and lunar something". I asked to talk to the being but it sounded muffled. I asked to connect through channeling and felt this intense energy through my crown and it was literally like i was under water (especially felt the rocking of the waves.) It was very peaceful, but so confusing.
I got too excited so it was cut short but I immediately went to Google and found Lemuria. I 100% know I am from there. It was an incredible experience and I can’t wait to know more. I’ll also add that I didn’t know they were mermaids but I’ve been obsessed my whole life to the point I actually bought a swim able mermaid tail. Ha. Life is so fun.

Ashley said:

I started working at Edgar Cayce’s Association of Research and Enlightenment in the month of May after Edgar popped into my head one night and told me to check out their job postings. Much to my surprise there were 3 jobs I was more than qualified for, so I applied and got a job working in the bookstore almost immediately. Ever since I started working here I began to feel a weird draw and pull towards Lemuria. Honestly, I had no idea about Lemuria, it’s existence, culture, or people before, so when the thought of it appeared into my head and the next week we got in multiple books and an oracle card deck about Lemuria, I was shocked to say the least. As I began to research Lemuria, I noticed in the descriptions the kind of place Lemuria was was very similar to the description of a place in a recurring dream I had been having. I ended up here on this page because yesterday a young woman came into the store and purchased one of our books on Lemuria. I struck up a conversation with her about it, and mentioned to her how drawn to it I had been. She kindly asks to look at my hand because she wanted to see if I possessed a mark of Lemuria, and sure enough she confirmed to me that I did! It was kind of busy in the store so I didn’t end getting the chance to ask her what the mark looked like. A little research I did told me to look for an L or M. I am not sure how accurate this is, but I do indeed possess in the center of my right palm a large M (I believe refers to Mu). Much of what you have mentioned in this article is also true for me. The first time I ever astral projected I was 7 years old, I’ve been called on by spirit left my body and conversed with them. I have also been visited by light beings and sometimes even dark ones. I remember being little in my bed and every night watched the moon rise. I have always felt a calm and peaceful feeling being in or near water, and my mind is clearest when I am in or near the water. People have always told me I had an old soul, and have always come to me for advice. I honestly don’t think any of this is a coincidence. I know I was put here to help and guide people and to quite literally be a light in this darkened world. I am grateful for this page and information and for letting me share my weird but wonderful experiences.

Rusti said:

I do believe i am from lemuria. I have always been told that i an wiser than my years i haven’t really agreed and it has been a slow process. I have psychic abilities everything that was described fits right in with how i feel deep inside. I at one time even wanted to build a house in venezuela in a river woth the waterfall as the entry the roof would come up through the river so i could see above and under so it would be like i was a mermaid it would have been beautiful. I only have dreams only refer to future events. I don’t remember a lot of them and others i do. I spirit walk a lot by i don’t hardly remember them. I redone with this article so much. Thank you for the with you done on this

Yeshe said:

I have been soaking up all the info I can… I bow to the Lemurians and all those BEing LOVE and compassion. Thank you… Every ONE of us who bring peace to Mother Gaia… God bless us all … Thank you Elohim…

xu lee said:

I woke up a few weeks ago before making this comment a thought as I was getting ready for work “I am an alien”. Mind you, I’ve been working through my spiritual awakening. I kept thinking " I am an alien" over and over till I asked out loud What kind of alien am I? I was also listening to Matias de Stephano about Atlantis and I haven’t looked into lemurians or heard the word for a long while. As I was meditating, the word Lemuria came to my head. I have terrible intuitions so it’s hard for me to listen to my guts. Probably need to work on my solar plexus chakra but I’m getting there.

Patty Taylor said:

I had my Akashic Records read and I am a Lemurian Starseed. She told me that my crown chakra was completely opened and it looked like a crown full of Lotus lol..She also told me that Mother Earth (GAIA) invited me to come to planet Earth. I broke down in tears. I am so grateful that I woke up.. Much Gratitude to Mother Earth and all the other Starseeds 🛸🌀

Georgia carpenter said:

I’d not ever felt at home, as a child I used to run in and out of my front room to the front of my house. Trying to perfect a cosy, warm inviting look that I used to admire in the surrounding homes… The curtains were key to this…. Inside my parents usually on drugs, had no clue, nor would they. I felt waves of unease, vulnerability, loneliness and utter despair wash over me at many times. At home. It always shook me to core and swallowed me in overwhelm
. Such discomfort, I now understand was and is homesickness.. One day i found mount shasta, in a synchronic way. I instantly burst into tears floods of tears. I felt for the first time in my life a resonance and love I feel and know as Home….many other beautiful things. Too many to type in one message, i find words painful to type through any digital texf… I am deep, yet I find it easier to be my true self and speak from the deep depths of soul

TheMessenger said:

Hear my words reflections. We are the god species that’s why they hate us. We are the lunerians, the Egyptians, the moors, the native Americans, and the Annunaki.They lied to us about all of our history. But they did tell the truth here a few times. We did get defeated by the reptile race and now they are in control of our planet. Wake up my sleeping brothers and sisters. We are Gods and Goddesses tap into your soul. Listen to your soul always. Never get too attached to this physical realm. We are Immortal.

Lesley Halsackda said:

I remember running with the person l loved holding hands afraid. l was tall brown, the waves came and a ship was waiting. We was separated and born again. I have abilities, l walk the astral plane l know what people are thinking, l have vision’s. My love has never left me, l meet him in the astral planes.

Rachel Meyer said:

I’ve not only been told I’m Lemurian but I feel it in my soul. The first time I was told I immediately started crying, after that I was told a few more times and it just hits my heart. My soul mate and I have been together in many lifetimes together after Lumeria. I’ve shared telepathic communications with him after partaking in some fungi. When I visit the gulf, it’s literally the only place my spirit has felt calm and at home.
When I am in the ocean, nothing in the world matters anymore.
Xoxo. Thank you so much for this article.

Mekenzie said:

I believe that I am a lemurian because as a child I was fascinated with the ocean, I wanted to be a marine biologist. I have always felt drawn to water and felt its presence as very calming. I have awakened to my telepathic gift among other empathic senses. I have always felt out of place in this world, but I’ve also felt at home in mother nature. It makes so much sense now last night I saw a star split and go back together and I asked who are you and it told me that it’s a Lemurian & I am a star seed among other healing messages. What a life!!!!

Walter Bayne Alexis Bey said:

Dreams of emerging out of the ocean around preteen or teenage years. Assimilated dreams of being in the crew in the legend of Jason and the Argonauts. A middle date of birth in the Aquarian house. Never completely aligned with people I hung out with throughout my life. Enjoy solitude. If in association with anyone I often can sense their presence coming into my space. There is more. Connect with toddlers who most times are fixated on me in there presence with smiles. I can go on but Ido not wish to appear full of myself.

David said:

Thanks for the message it has brought light into my life and though I still don’t understand more about lemurian and galactic I still feel intuitive and attracted to the lake and the nearest river from the time I was still a child. I believe through guidance and support from a good teacher I will awaken and find that which is missing from within
Thanks so much.

Todd said:

Many of the signs did in fact resonate.

Angela Gottman said:

When I woke up to the realization that something incredible had just happened to me I started painting. I had never before had a lesson or any idea that I could paint. But the first pictures were of sea life, angels rising out the water and also I began embrace my intuitive abilities instead of feeling like a freak. I started researching this awakening looking for something familiar. I came across a Facebook account of Meroo Fitter and the teachings of Telos. I started following the teachings in my private times. I went from group to group learning. And I seem to attract everything Lemurian. I ordered Lemurian Mist online to spay before meditation. It came with crystal’s that I still have today. Then one day I decided to commit myself to learning the Lemurian philosophy teachings and I started this just this year. During my lessons I felt so at peace. I was so excited to finally find what felt like home and the power of love and peace and friendship I experience during my lessons and through the messages I received in return from my teachers was so amazing and so full of kindness and gentleness. I have never experienced this connection with any of group. I have been dreaming of going to Mount Shasta and I feel like I am being called there. I also must admit I have not resumed my lessons since the return of an ex boyfriend in my life that share’s my home and the loss of my mother and my best friend and mentor Rey Ra of Auroville disappeared all at the same time. But reading this post gives me hope that not all is lost and I am going to make it a point to follow through with my lessons and trust my intuition that tells me I am a Lemurian Starseed and I am here to do whatever it takes to make you proud of me. I’m coming home soon. I feel you calling me and the love is louder than anything else I feel. Thank you for this message. It’s through tears I send you this reply. Thing’s are a struggle but I am not alone I am greatly Loved. With all my heart I send some back to you saying I look forward to learning and remembering more as my mind accepts what my heart knows already. Thank you Angela Sizemore Gottman

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